Certificate Training

Proposal Writing, Case for Support & Script Writing

Whether proposing a new project, asset, applying for a loan or grant, a business case or proposal is the most important document you will ever need to write. Without a rock-solid case, your project or venture will have low chances of receiving a yes or getting a return on investment.

In this course, participants will discover how to build a powerful case that will get your organization noticed, and greatly increase the chances of prospects to say yes. Participants will receive a certificate of completion after 21 hours of training.

This certificate is intended for emerging fundraising professionals looking to take the next career step.

Available Start Dates:

  1. Nov 5, 2021
  2. Nov 12, 2021
  3. Nov 19, 2021
  4. Nov 26, 2021

Course Info

21 Hours of Training
Classroom Sessions
Individual 1:1 Sessions
Participant Workbook

Instructor Info

James K. Low, Business Administration (NAIT)

Business Management Certificate with a certificate in Business Case Writing. James has over 20 years of experience in professional business management, operations, and administration, with extensive knowledge in proposal writing and case documents.  

Base Rate

$3,000 (+gst)

Training Location

#202, 10526 Jasper Ave
Edmonton, AB T5J 1Z7

Onsite Training Available



Proposal Writing, Case for Support & Script Writing Certificate

Objectives & Outcomes

Discover how to build a powerful case that will get your organization noticed, and greatly increase the chances of prospects saying yes. Learn: 

  • How to Write a Proposal
  • How to Write a Case for Support
  • Script Writing for Fundraising


How to Write a Proposal (9 hours)

A. The Basics
In this section, participants will learn the fundamentals of a business proposal, understand why they are needed, and what purposes they serve. 

What participants will learn:

    • Types of Proposals
    • Basic Industry Terms
    • Important aspects and considerations

B. Elements & Structuring
In this section, participants will learn about the key elements of a professional proposal, and together we will start to customize your very own document.

What participants will learn:

    • Key elements of a proposal
    • Structure of a proposal
    • Create a proposal

C. Formatting
Participants will take what they have created, apply basic formatting, and prepare their proposal for submitting to the client.

What participants will learn:

    • Foundational formatting through Microsoft Word or equivalent
    • Titles & Subtitles
    • Headings
    • Subheadings
    • Paragraphs
    • Fonts

How to Write a Case for Support (6 hours)

In this module, participants will learn how to create a powerful and compelling case for support. 

What participants will learn:

    • fundamentals
    • key elements
    • structuring
    • building a case

    Script Writing for Fundraising (6 hours)

    In this module, participants will be taken through the steps of creating a script for their organization to use in countless situations when contacting potential partners and donors.

    What participants will learn:

      • script basic
      • types of scripts
      • elements of a script
      • structuring
      • build a script
      • customizing

      Learning Outcomes

      1. Discover how to build a powerful case that will get your organization noticed, and greatly increase the chances of prospects saying yes
      2. How to Write a Proposal
      3. How to Write a Case for Support
      4. Script Writing for Fundraising

      [at] marketing


      #201, 10171 Saskatchewan Dr
      Edmonton, AB T6E 4R5




      5015 50 Ave #100a,
      Camrose, AB T4V 3P7

