Feature Blog Post

Google’s Location Asset Policy Update: What You Need to Know

Google Ads Location Asset Policy Update - In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, staying informed about policy updates from major...

Past Blog Posts

Google Ad Impression Share vs Click Share

Want more conversions? You need to increase your impression share, right? It is actually not that simple.  Today, let's break down what Google Ad Impression Share really means and how Click Share plays a role. What Is Search Impression Share? The percentage of...

How to Get Your People to Perform

Ultimately, the success of your team lies in the hands of your people. A demotivated employee is not only unproductive, their performance affects overall team performance. In the past you have understood your organization from a financial, marketing and operational...

The 4 Pillars of Great Creative

78% of consumers say brands should show how they can be helpful in everyday life.1 Here are some tips from Google to create effective, impactful advertising:Show real people in real situations in your images and video. 64% of consumers said they took some sort of...

The Internet is Flooded with Thought Leadership

A recent study discovered that the pandemic spawned a huge increase in the amount of B2B thought leadership content. Unfortunately, 71% of Decision-Makers say that less than half of the thought leadership they consumed gave them valuable insights. What Is Thought...

Smart Bidding With Google Ads

Google has a number of automated bidding features that can be used by beginner or novice Google Ads users.  The question we are often asked is, should I hand over control of my ad budget to Google?  Let's take a look .... What exactly is Smart Bidding? In Smart...

Google Ads Best Practices

If you have a budget and are considering using it on ads that can help you penetrate your target audience, you’re best using it on a proven platform, one that averages monthly traffic of over 1.77 billion visits in Canada —Google. To be more specific, you should give...