In your Facebook ads reporting (Ads Tab) you will see a column for Engagement Rate Ranking. The expected engagement rate calculates the likelihood that a person will click, react to, comment on, share or expand an ad.
If your ads are Below Average on this metric you should look to improve your ad’s relevance to your audience by making it more engaging, interesting or eye-catching.

Here are some questions we ask:
- Are you A/B testing? (running two campaigns that feature different creative or different CTAs)
- How often do you change up your ads? We recommend doing this often until you find the right combination of text and images that achieves your objectives.
- Have you tried video ads? They tend to inspire action and capture attention.
- Check your Call-To-Action. What are you asking people to do? Are you clear?
- Check your campaign objective – is it consistent with your marketing objectives? (did you choose an Awareness objective when you really want Conversions).
Facebook is less likely to show Low-Quality ads in newsfeeds.
Here are some tips that will increase your engagement and reduce your costs:
1) Use high-quality visuals. Avoid low-resolution, blurry, stock-quality images.
2) Keep your copy short and sweet – you want them to take action
3) Don’t put too many words on your images.
4) Optimize your ads for mobile.
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